Meeting Summary, September 2023, New York City, USA
Meeting Summary, September 2022, London, United Kingdom
The Interlaken Group (IG) met virtually on January 25, 2022. The purpose of the meeting was to identify priorities for the IG’s agenda in 2022 to advance private sector support for secure community land rights.
Exploring emerging considerations for investment due diligence, community consultations, and FPIC in the COVID era.
Emerging practices and innovations in monitoring upstream supply chains
Interlaken Group Special Session: Strategy Review and Program Update, March 2019, Washington, DC, USA
Meeting Summary, September 2018, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Meeting Summary: Expanding and Leveraging Private Sector Action to Support Community Land Rights, October 2017, Stockholm, Sweden
Meeting Summary: Expanding and Leveraging Private Sector Action to Secure Community Land Rights, April 2017, Stockholm, Sweden
Meeting Summary: Expanding and Leveraging Private Sector Action to Secure Community Land Rights, September 2016, London, UK
Meeting Summary: Expanding and Leveraging Private Sector Action to Secure Community Land Rights, February 2016, Windsor, UK
Meeting Summary: Expanding and Leveraging Private Sector Action to Secure Community Land Rights, September 2015, Bern, Switzerland
Meeting Summary: Expanding and Leveraging Private Sector Action to Secure Community Land Rights, March 2015, Shoreditch, London, UK
Meeting Summary: Expanding and Leveraging Private Sector Action to Secure Community Land Rights, October 2014, Windsor, UK
Meeting Summary: Expanding and Leveraging Private Sector Action to Secure Community Land Rights, March 2014, London, UK
Summary Report: Taking Stock and Identifying Practical Steps Forward, February 2014, Bellagio, Italy
Private Sector Session Report: Expanding and Leveraging Private Sector Interest in Securing Community Land Rights, September 2013, Interlaken, Switzerland