
Guidance and Tools

Guidance and Tools

Realizing the potential of community-based data and information for company due diligence and compliance with international standards and best practice: A Guide for Companies and Investors

In summer 2022, the Interlaken Group is releasing guidance for companies and investors to incorporate and respond to community-sourced data on the social and environmental impacts of supply chains and land investments. When local communities are positioned to monitor and verify the activities of companies, companies have a new data set to monitor and validate the sustainability of their supply chains and comply with human rights due diligence and emerging deforestation regulations.

Guidance and Tools

Respecting Land and Forest Rights: A Guide for Companies

An introduction to aligning your operations with the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure

Guidance and Tools

Interlaken Group Maturity Matrix

A matrix to measure the impact of the Interlaken Group as a mechanism to facilitate private sector action to promote responsible investment that secures community land rights.

Guidance and Tools


A system which helps companies and investors in emerging and frontier markets assess tenure risk at project, supply chain or portfolio level by analyzing geospatial data about social, environmental and political issues

Guidance and Tools

Land Legacy Issues

This guidance provides operational guidance for companies confronting legacy land issues

Guidance and Tools

Interactive VGGT Guide

Guidance and Tools

LandMark (Beta)

A global mapping platform providing critical information on the collective land and resource rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities

Guidance and Tools

Statement from the Interlaken Group on COVID-19