Commodity supply chains and investments are increasingly linked to rural developing countries where land tenure is unclear and insecure. However, supporting secure land tenure represents an opportunity for companies and investors to reduce business risks and to contribute to the livelihoods and the well-being of Indigenous Peoples and local communities. The Interlaken Group creates opportunities for communities, civil society, and committed private sector stakeholders to work together as willing partners in securing community land rights.
The Interlaken Group is an informal network of individual leaders from influential companies, CSOs, investors, governments, and international organizations. The purpose of the Group is to expand and leverage private sector action to secure community land rights. Together they develop, adopt, and disseminate new tools, advance “pre-competitive” mechanisms to accelerate private sector learning on responsible land rights practices, and convene in-country deliberations to facilitate and strengthen security of tenure.
Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI)
Pepsi Co.
Earthworm Foundation
International Finance Corporation (IFC)
An introduction to aligning your operations with the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure